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Brand: Onsrud
Product Code: ONS-28-20
Availability: 5-7 Days



ONSRUD  28-20  2 Flute Solid Carbide Trimmer 1/4" Ø x 19mm x 1/4"

1/4" (6.35mm) Ø x 19mm length of cut x 1/4" shank x 76mm overall length.
Specially developed to trim plastics and laminates, produces an excellant finish.
Spiral cutting flutes and double bearings ensure a smooth cutting action.


Cutter Diameter
1/4" (6.35mm) Diameter
Shank size
1/4" Shank
Length of Cut
19mm Length of Cut
Overall Length
76mm Overall Length
No of flutes
2 Flutes
